LLA is a landscape architecture and garden design studio created by Philippe Allignet. Based in Rotterdam, I am active in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.
The studio designs territories, public spaces and gardens within a “wild” scope, bringing human and non-humans together in
meaningful and active spaces.
News 2025> Groundbreaking, Landscape and urban design studio, Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam (NL)
(Soils as design base...)
> Masterplanning (LLA leads) of the Valbenoite - la Riviere neighbourhoods, St-Etienne (FR)
(flood resilience, mobility, nature and urban developments, ...)
> Start of the construction work, Balzac d’Alembert professional high-school, Issoudun (FR)
(demineralising, furniture made out of reused materials, microforest co-planting, ...)