One reaps what one sows

International garden festival
Chaumont-sur-Loire - FR

Domaine Régional de Chaumont-sur-Loire

Emma Morillon
Baptiste Gerard-Hirne

Transposable garden award


International garden festival - 2020 edition
Garden’s presentation

In this space, agriculture initially opposes wild nature before encountering a form of reconciliation. Large-scale cultivated areas are often devoted to a single plant species, while nature offers a diverse palette of useful and nourishing essences.

The former is materialized by furrows dug into bare soil, while the latter consists of living woven willows entwined with climbing plants. However, in a third stage, forms and colors will unite to offer different habitats with volatile lights and fragrances.
In basins, life-filled sticks with red bark seeds encourage sowing among the surrounding trees, shrubs, and perennials. Untamed, nature remains lush, humming with the sound of its bees and birds.

Each seed is a gift to come for humanity. Chestnuts, willows, garlic, squash, elderberries soon intertwine with cereals. The land comes back to life. The fields thrive once again.

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